A Message From Our Founder
Seeing how COVID-19 / Coronavirus has affected the nation & our own community, I’ve been thinking a lot about what I can personally offer others to add some positivity & productivity to our daily homebound lives during this unprecedented time.
I find my thoughts drifting to the children within our community who are displaced & cooped up indoors and parents struggling to find balance between at-home work life and all-day parenting without a break.
For these reasons, I have decided to offer premium childcare service in Miami to parents who need it, at special rates. My company, itavi, typically provides premium childcare services at Miami-area luxury hotels. With that said, I see this time as an opportunity to serve our local community, engaging kids with a healthy environment & giving parents who need it a much-deserved break. We are of course going beyond the strictest precautions when it comes to this virus – only offering private sessions with virus screenings prior, hospital-grade disinfectants, sanitizers & wipes.
Founder, itavi®